Saturday, August 4, 2012

"We Are All Sinners"
Dear Homosexual or Gay Rights Activist :
Despite what some misguided christians have told you; God does NOT hate you!  God does hate the sin but he LOVES the sinner...each and every one of us.  Homosexuality is not the only sin he hates. (So don't feel singled out.)  There are "seven deadly sins."  God also hates idolatry ("Putting anyone or thing before God.")  For example ; Instead of focusing our affection and desires on Him, His ways, His purposes, His will for our life, and his lost children; we instead place our affection and desires on that next promotion, the well deserved raise, the almighty dollar, and of course, accumulating more material possessions!
Lets face it, we are all guilty of that.  Who among us would drop everything' including our job, career, paycheck, home, and possesions to follow God"s Will for our lives?  Anyone?  True Christianity is much harder lived than spoken.  His Will for our lives looks much different than the rat race we currently find ourselves in!  If we were really in God's Will for our lives, we would have a peace and happiness that surpases anything we can imagine!  We would be living a purpose driven life!  We all have an emptiness or void that we attempt to fill with sexual pleasure, drugs, alcohol, and social acceptance.  The problem is that God created us with that void that only He can fill.  This way we could recognize our need for hIm.  God also gave us freedom of choice in the hopes we would choose Him!  Instead we fill our lives with empty pleasures that leave a bitter taste that contribute to the walls we divide ourselves with, casting judgement, hate speech, and sin.
Just like a parent loves their child no matter what they do, God loves us despite our sin!  UNLESS WE  decide together that enough is enough and we want a taste of the life God has for us: living in peace and harmony despite our differences, we will continue to live divided.  Remember that we are all in this together...we are all need of a savior! 

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